Thursday, November 27, 2008

Lidia - ultimul email din Africa de Sud

Va salut pe toti. Sper ca emailul meu sa va gaseasca bine.
Multe s-au intamplat de cand nu v-am mai scris..... am cautat o ocazie, cand am ceva timp liber sa va scriu. ...
Dar se pare ca nu mai am "timp liber" asa ca am sa va scriu pe fuga cate ceva.
In primul rand, luni voi pleca din Africa de Sud.

23 Nov 2008 - "Sin's grief" - Sunday Sermon

Summary of sermon by Michael Ngubane

1Sam 15:10-27

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Johan in the Auditorium

Precious Johan Becker usually gives the tour of the Mission to the many visitors of Sizabantu and at the end of it, he presents them the story about the Revival and sometimes his own testimony, in the Auditorium. I had the priviledge to hear it too... unfortunately I ran out of space on my camera so this video is not complete. But I trust I will have the opportunity again :-), and then Ill be more careful.
Its a wonderful testimony .

Friday, October 24, 2008

Just a few pictures

Heading to the Mission

Nicky drew these 2 hobos heading to Kwasizabantu, a place where they heard "people are being helped". Clearly they are in need for help too, and one of them can even justify the mess he is in : "my mother kicked me out when I was in my twenties..."(its writen in Afrikaans).
I enjoyed this drawing so much that Nicky gave it to me.

Botswana Outreach 2008 - email from Lidia

Last Tuesday we returned from our trip in Botswana. The Lord has been with us the whole time, from the beginning to the end. So many things happened in this trip that I pray to God to guide me to only share with you what is most important to you.

We had been praying that the Lord would show us where to have our outreach, having a heart for Botswana, Malawi or Mozambique. The Lord revealed to us that we should go to Botswana.

So we left on Saturday, 21st of June, in a van, 7 girls and tannie Ilsa with her husband- Tobi. Tannie Ilsa is the vice principal of our Cedar College. Saturday , we traveled nonstop and by evening we arrived in Pretoria, at our
Kwasizabantu Mission and we spent the night with them. Sunday we attended the Service and we left very early the following Monday and continued the rest of our journey to Botswana.
Sunday night Dries and Oom Jan Piennar, who were in the second vehicle from the mission caught up with us. Dries had not been able to come with us on Saturday because he was getting engaged on Sunday here at the Mission.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Botswana Outreach 2008 - email de la Lidia

Marti ne-am intors inapoi din Botswana. Dumnezeu a fost cu noi de la inceput si pana la sfarsit. Sunt asa de multe lucruri ce s-au intamplat in cele 18 zile, dar ma rog ca Domnul sa ma calauzeasca sa va zic doar ce e mai important pentru voi.
Ne-am rugat ca Dumnezeu sa ne arate unde sa mergem

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hear, O Israel - 18 June 2008 (Fano Sibisi's letter about Auditorium)

My dear friends
God knew how much I needed to hear Uncle Erlo's Sunday message.
That morning I was in tears before the Lord,

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Lidia - about the Auditorium, a week later

"BEHOLD I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW""God does not dwell in buildings made by human hands but in blood washed people, filled with His Holy Spirit" (Erlo Stegen).

Last Saturday we simply couldn't stop our tears. Every time we think about what happened, we would look toward the Auditorium, and we could only weep. I wished so hard that

Lidia - the day Auditorium burnt down 14th June 2oo8

Lidia Veciunca is our first Romanian student at Cedar College of South Africa and although I only met her in Africa for the first time 2 and a half years ago, we share a strong frienship and alot of what Im posting here its going to be from her, about her or with her.

Today is a sad day for people at Mission Kwasizabantu, South Africa. Our church, the Auditorium, a building with 10.000 seats, has completely burned down.
This morning when we woke up , the sun was shinning and I thought it was going to be a warm and beautiful winter day. A common day. We had no idea what the Lord had planned for today.
Around 9 o clock we received the news :the auditorium is burning down. I thought it was a joke and I ran to the window. What I saw were clouds of smoke covering the sky and the auditorium in flames. Then I took this picture I'll attach later.
We ran there along with all the people at the Mission and everyone was getting what they had at home to put the fire out. Us , the girls, took the fire extinguishers form the hostel but on the way there people told us it was too late. I didn't listen to them and I ran with that big bottle, now when I think of it I do not understand how I could carry something that heavy – but I thought they were going to put out the fire with it.
Sadly, there was nothing we could do. We all stood there and watched how that awesome building where so many people heard The Word of God was burning. People wanted to bring water, but the water was cut off , there was no running water at the Mission that very hour. That isn't very unusual here, water and power are cut often.

It all started with a short circuit in one of the tiny wooden apartments on the side of the Auditorium, where Lydia and Archie live with their 4 little kids. All they could take out of the fire were the children. When Archie went to get something else, he got burned and had to come out. He only hurt his hands.

Everyone was present there. On streets, people wept, women were holding their heads sobbing and crying. Some were praying out loud… It seemed like the end of the world. The strongest men at the Mission, were crying watching how the work of 8 years was burning down.

When it was built, in the 80's , there weren't so many people at the mission, nor much technology… so people built it with their own hands. In that sorrow on the streets I could see uncle Robert, now in his 80s , he did all the wooden side of the building…. I saw uncle Jack, who did the cement part. People worked so hard for the Auditorium.
Uncle Erlo was there too with his brother, uncle Friedel. We all stood there astounded and nobody could go near the building. In half and hour the fire destroyed EVERYTHING. A few men managed to take out 10 or 20 benches from inside. But all the rest, the pianos, sound installation, and hundred of benches turned to ashes. When the building finally crashed it was a big moan and cry outside….
Of course they called the fire station, but they took an hour to come , to remind us we were in Africa…
Uncle Erlo came there and went to Attila to ask him about his health. He didn't make a fuss or blame anyone. He was concerned about the health of the others. His brother, uncle Friedel was supposed to fly to Europe last week but he was bit by a poisonous spider and the doctor advised him to postpone the trip for a week. This way he could be with uncle Erlo and the rest of the co-workers today.
Every day at 11 o clock we have a service in the Auditorium ( 11 am and 7 pm ) but today the Auditorium was smoking ashes. We gathered in the school hall and the sermon was about Job. The Lord gave, the Lord took away, blessed be His name. And we were told that God is in control and we don't have to ask "why, Lord?". We don't know what dialog He had above.
In situations like these one could see what matters most. Is it God? Is it the world with its things? Maybe you think "but Lord, it was for Your glory, here people turn to You and so many found peace with You and joy here… how could you allow such a tragedy??" No! We must be thankful that nobody died. A building can be rebuilt. But a life doesn't come back. And the preacher said that Job didn't question God and he had taken 10 children along with herds , servants and everything. But he knew God was in control and He could do whatever He wanted.
We don't know the future, but maybe the Lord has something in mind and will make a new Auditorium. We want to help clean the huge mess and any other thing we can help with… while staying united and grateful that nothing worse happened.
I was very encouraged by Lydia's attitude. Her 6 yo, Cobus, was crying : ooooohhh, all my shoes burnt inside… and his mom told him that the Lord will take care of everything and he didn't have to worry about a thing.
At Prayer, we prayed for everyone who heard the news about the Auditorium; that the Lord will comfort them and they will trust Him, cause He is in control.
God bless you all,

Lidia -mail la o saptamana dupa ce a ars Auditoriumul

(primul mail, din ziua cand a ars Auditoriumul, este postul de mai jos)

Sambata trecuta nu ne puteam opri lacrimile.... de cate ori ne gandeam la ce s-a intamplat sau ne uitam spre Auditorium, doar ne venea sa plangem.
Asa imi doream sa ma tezesc si incidental acela sa fi fost doar un vis... Duminica, dupa predica lui u.Erlo, parca ni s-au sters lacrimile pentru totdeauna. Am sa va scriu doar incepututl predicii lui, ca mi-am inregistrat-o.

Duminica predica s-a tinut in sala de mese a scolii. Au incaput cateva sute de persoane, restul au stat afara- pe o parte si pe alta a cladirii. S-au pus scaune si sonorizare. A fost o zi foarte calduroasa. (va trimit o poza- care am facut-o inainte sa vina oamenii)
Inainte de predica, u.Friedel s-a ridicat si a zis: "Caile lui Dumnezeu sunt desavarsite (perfecte), chiar daca cateodata noi nu intelegem. Dumnezeu a dat si El are dreptul sa ia. In toate situatiile noi trebuie sa glorificam numele Domnului".
Apoi u.Erlo a tinut predica. El a inceput asa: Ne-am adunat in acest loc pentru ca biserica nostra a ars ieri. Unii ma intreaba ce zic de aceasta intamplare. Ma invioreaza foarte mult. Simt dulceata Domnului, simt pacea Lui si sunt inviorat din nou, si simt ca lucrarea lui Dumnezeu merge mai departe. Biblia ne spune ca vom trece prin felurite incercari. Si aceste incercari trebuie sa ne faca mai puternici iar radacinile noastre sa se adanceasca mai mult, sa avansam si sa progresam. Daca un eveniment ca si acesta m-ar slabi si m-ar face sa fiu dezamagit, atunci credinta mea este moarta. A ars o cladire!! Ce este o cladire? Evanghelia nu a ars. Ea merge inainte.

Pavel a trecut prin multe suferinte. Suferinta noastra nici nu se compara cu suferintele lui Pavel. In istoria bisericii citim cum oamenii insisi au fost arsi, nu doar bisericile lor, dar Evanghelia nu s-a oprit ci a mers mai departe cu si mai multa putere. Auditorium a fost facut cu maini omenesti. Dar trupurile noastre sunt templele Duhului Sfant. Daca noi am cadea de pe cale, atunci intr-adevar ar fi teribil.
Cand a murit sotia mea, aceea a fost o pierdere mai mare decat arderea salii de predica, dar nici acel lucru nu m-a oprit sa predic Evanghelia ci din contra am experimentat ca Evanghelia a mers mai departe cu si mai multa putere. Cand au scos trupul mort al sotiei din casa in sicriu, am catat cantecul: Am biruit, suntem victoriosi!
Acelasi cantec putem sa il cantam si pentru Auditorium.

Trebuie sa vedem acest eveniment ca si un nou inceput, nu ca si un sfarsit. Evanghelia trebuie sa mearga mai departe, asta e tot ce conteaza.

Apoi a predicat despre Pogorarea Duhului Sfant din Fapte 2. E a patra oara cand predica din acelasi pasaj, si Dumnezeu ne descopera tot mai multe lucruri minunatedespre Duhul Sfant. Data trecuta a vorbit despre cum trebuie sa arate si sa se comporte o persoana care e plina de Duhul Sfant. Iar de data asta a vorbit despre: "cand s-a implinit vremea Cincizecimii". Dumnezeu hotaraste o vreme pentru fiecare lucru. Si ne-a predicat despre cum sa cautam sa aflam voia Domnului si sa nu o luam inaintea planului lui Dumnezeu. Sa avem rabdare, sa nu grabim lucrurile.

Acum se niveleaza pamantul unde se va pune un cort, si acolo se vor tine serviciile de duminica. In timpul saptamanii predica va fi in sala de la scoala. Peste doua saptamani va incepe conferinta de tineret, cand vor veni in jur de 5 mii de tineri pentru o saptamana.

Noi ne pregatim sa plecam in Botswana. Am inceput sa ne rugam si sa facem pregatiti inca de la sfarsitul anului trecut. Maine e plecarea!!
Planuim sa stam 3 saptamani. Dar facem 3 zile pe drum. Nu stim exact ce ne asteapta dar este cineva care organizeaza timpul pentru noi. Va povestesc cand ne intoarcem.

Pana acum am vazut mana Domnului cum ne-a ajutat si ne-a deschis usi: ne-a dat bani, am primit viza, transport si alte lucruri necesare (corturi, izolare, etc)
Sa va rugati ca Domnul sa fie cu noi. E o vreme periculoasa, poate si voi ati auzit de ura care o au oamenii fata de straini....
Va las in mana Lui.
Weekend placut!
Lidia Veciunca
Kwasizabantu Mission, South Africa
Just in case somebody wonders, the first pic is yes, Bill Bathman at the Youth Conference at the Mission. held in a tent this year.

Lidia -ziua in care a ars Auditoriumul

Lidia Veciunca este prima noastra studenta romanca la Cedar College in Africa de Sud. Desi am cunoscut-o numai in Africa, ma leaga de ea o prietenie aparte. Mult din ceea ce voi impartasi aici, va fi de la ea, desprea ea sau cu ea.

Mai jos este mailul scris de ea in ziua cand a ars Auditoriumul - 14 iunie 2008

Astazi e o zi trista pentru cei de la misiunea Kwasizabantu, Africa de Sud. Sala de predica de zece mii de locuri a ars complet.
Azi dimineata cand ne-am trezit,

Friday, October 17, 2008

David at Reception

David was on duty at Reception one day while I was hanging around taking pictures. He was pretty overwhelmed with requests and yet keeping calm and concerned with everyone's needs. At a certain point he was on the phone with someone wanting to know more detailes about the Mission to send a person who was recovering from drug addiction , as I figured. I filmed what David was saying about the Mission and when he was done I asked his permission to publish it on the internet . So here it is

Google Earth

This is what Google Earth info says about the Mission:
"KwaSizabantu (KSB) is approximately 3,100 feet above sea level and 25 miles inland from the Indian Ocean. The Mission station covers almost 900 acres of rich farmland previously used to raise sugar cane. It is the epic-center of revival among the Zulu. There is a commercial radio station, an air strip (with night landing approach), plus a community of buildings to house and feed several hundred co-workers. Over 25 agricultural projects provide a variety of foods, fruit and dairy products that are shipped to chain-stores across South Africa and abroad. The center piece of the mission is a 10,000 seat auditorium which is packed for special meetings and frequent conferences. There is no fee required to attend the meetings. Money is never mentioned. Food and hospitality are provided for all guests, free of charge. There is a hospital without doctor, nurses or medicine. The Gospel is preached twice each day to the patients and there are some remarkable healings. There is no anointing with oil or laying on of hands. Those who are healed are not paraded out for inspection by the astonished masses. There is no 'ego-trip' for the one who preaches. It's the Great Physician who heals in response to the proclamation of the Word of God. For more info please visit"
And an aerial picture of it. Sadly, the majestic Auditorium is not there anymore. It entirely burned down this year in June, due to an electrical short-circuit.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Revival among the Zulu

Can be read in English here
Si in romana aici
The image above is the content of the book into a wordle at Isnt it beautiful?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

When God Comes Down

I will not even try to describe it. How do you describe something that God Himself does in front of your eyes? I know of people who hear about it for years and even though it does sound nice, they cant understand why would anyone cross the world for it. And when they eventually experience it themselves, it changes their lives forever. Others , on the contrary after growing up at the Mission, turn against it in anger. And some people who from the first minute are so in love with it that the eyes of their love dont even blink... and the Lord not only allowes them to experience it directly, but also makes them a part of it. Yes, I am one of these.

My testimony has yet a few chapters to be lived. But here is a priceless movie about the Mission and the Revival, told in Zulu by uncle Erlo. They did this movie of presentation for the 40 years of Revival celebrated last year. There is nothing I need to add to this. Except maybe, that their testimonies and words are not even half of what they live.

The most beautiful story ever.