Ma plimbam cu Micuta prin Mall, cautand o geanta de umar pentru Africa, cu care sa ma pot plimba de colo-colo pe acolo, dar sa incapa si laptopul. Micuta stie mai bine ca oricine ca obiectul trebuie sa fie mai intai frumos si numai dupa asta sa fie eventual si practic.
Stand in fata unei vitrine, ma intreaba:
- Da' valiza mare ai?
- Pai nu mi-ai cumparat tu una data trecuta cand am plecat?
Acum trei ani m-am suit in avionul spre Africa de Sud cu un
Latest news reports are that five terrorist cell groups have been operating in many of our churches. They have been identified as: Bin Sleepin, Bin Arguin, Bin Fightin, Bin Complainin, and Bin Missin.
Since I was given the experience of the Revival in SouthAfrica and the immense treasure of being part of it (the most unworthy one), Ive wanted a place where I could put together all the emails, letters, testimonies, sermons, stories, documentaries, pictures and movies about the Mission in Africa. Ill try to make that place here along with some of my journey across the Jordan. Writing about Africa is for me a prize in itself so Im doing it for me too and maybe the few that feel like me already. As my pastor says, if you want to witness Jesus, dont talk too much, for it is not up to your words. There is nothing one can say that will impress another. It is only God who can touch and transform hearts. I leave to Him the guidance, the content, the outcome of this blog with the only desire to not be an obstacle for His work. As for my journey, the best is yet to come.