Friday, October 17, 2008

Google Earth

This is what Google Earth info says about the Mission:
"KwaSizabantu (KSB) is approximately 3,100 feet above sea level and 25 miles inland from the Indian Ocean. The Mission station covers almost 900 acres of rich farmland previously used to raise sugar cane. It is the epic-center of revival among the Zulu. There is a commercial radio station, an air strip (with night landing approach), plus a community of buildings to house and feed several hundred co-workers. Over 25 agricultural projects provide a variety of foods, fruit and dairy products that are shipped to chain-stores across South Africa and abroad. The center piece of the mission is a 10,000 seat auditorium which is packed for special meetings and frequent conferences. There is no fee required to attend the meetings. Money is never mentioned. Food and hospitality are provided for all guests, free of charge. There is a hospital without doctor, nurses or medicine. The Gospel is preached twice each day to the patients and there are some remarkable healings. There is no anointing with oil or laying on of hands. Those who are healed are not paraded out for inspection by the astonished masses. There is no 'ego-trip' for the one who preaches. It's the Great Physician who heals in response to the proclamation of the Word of God. For more info please visit"
And an aerial picture of it. Sadly, the majestic Auditorium is not there anymore. It entirely burned down this year in June, due to an electrical short-circuit.

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